Ihaveplantedithere ; -

I don't know what I should update about. it's just this feeling of walking around and waiting for something new. waiting for that interesting culture I long for, just waiting. I just realized that december 28th is going to be 5th time I ever visit China, even though the 4th was just a long stop at the airport in guangzhou. it feels great. I feel lucky to visit this country so many times, a country some people only dream about visiting someday. the city below is my favourite. there are so many things to fall in love with, so many places that feels like home.

I wrote to eleonor the other day on facebook. she's the girl standing with her back towards the camera on the balcony. one of my friends had seen the photo and asked me when I got a tattoo, and I told eleonor that I would never get sick of people not being able to tell us apart. it was the same in china, we were told all the time that we looked exactly the same, and that it was extra difficult to tell from far away. even her sister mistook me for being eleonor a few times in gothenburg. those are some of the best compliments I've ever gotten, because eleonor is so beautiful and graceful in my eyes. she answered and said that one of her friends had said there was no way eleonor and I weren't sisters. I miss eleonor =/

but back to reality, this week I work as normal, 5 days work, and hopefully I can get away to umeå on saturday for a birthday-party, and hopefully this will be my last week in sweden for a while.


Postat av: Gloria

SV: Haha jaa xD jag blir snart galen :P

2011-10-03 @ 21:48:32
URL: http://louisee.blogg.se/

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