내가사랑한S.P.Y ; -
wow, it's been a long time. really. I barely even understood how to make a new entry with how everything changed on this site. the reason I'm writing in english is that I'm currently visiting my friends school, and using her computer while she's teaching 6th graders english. I've been introduced to every class so far, and eyes go wide, because my friend is vietnamese/american, so she has the asian look, and my appearance is a lot more foreign to them.
I wish I was blogging, I wish I had more inspiration for it, to take pitcures for real, but all pictures I take with my camera ends up in a way that doesn't make me satisfied, and the pictures I take with instagram ends up on facebook so those have people already seen. though I'd be surprised if people are still visiting this blog, with it's blog drought. it's sad...
ah well, someday, maybe, this place will be alive again.