andahappynewyear ; -

the passed weeks in 9 frames. 9 frames that tells an awful lot about what's happened, how I've felt, how the end of this year has been, mostly in good ways.
the first verical row are people. the meeting with henry lau of course. even though there are two pictures with the same person, the represent different events; christmas and our first super junior concert together.
the second verical row are actual things that has had a lot of meaning; the dreamcather that caroline gave me, the computer my father was so kind to invest in for me, and the song that donghae and eunhyuk released to fill our cold hearts with warmth.
the third and last verical row are moments where I felt really happy; christmas with my family, even though they're far away, epik high performing and moments I had on my own. I've always felt a kind of need to isolate myself from the outside world, for a moment not care what's going on around me.
only one full day remains of 2013. this year has passed by very fast and very slowly at the same time. I've done a lot of things on my bucket list, or just random things I promised myself I would do; I went back to korea as soon as I could, I saw north korea with my dad, I introduced my mom to a super junior member, I had wine at kona beans, and a lot of other things.
how 2014 is going to look is still completely unknown, and I'm a little scared to be honest. it's probably the year I'm going to start studying for real again, it's the year I WILL spend the summer in sweden, it's hopefully going to be another year when great memories will be made. but we can just wait and see.
jumpingheyjumpingheyeverybody ; -

I want an iPhone 5 solely because of the front camera.
härligärjorden,härligärgudshimmel ; -
att fira jul på en annan kontinent var mycket svårare än vad jag hade föreställt mig. det är mycket som går i kras. man har förväntningar, tänker sig att det ska vara på ett visst sätt, tror att samma känslor kommer infinna sig. hemma i Skellefteå finns en trygghet, mamma är där, julen har alltid firats på samma sätt, med släkt, och vänner nära. själva julaftonen är seg i sig, men det är på något sätt okej. man går till kyrkan, sjunger, ber, är tacksam, åker hem, fikar, kalle anka, julklappar, någon film sent mot kvällen. vi vet hur det går till.
jag tänkte att jag ville återskapa julen här, men det slog mig att det inte är på samma sätt. i den koreanska kulturen så firas det inte, inte såsom vi svenskar eller europeér gör. istället för en familjetradition, så är julen till för alla par, att gå på fin restaurang, och vara romantiska. de som inte har en dejt stannar hemma och ser home alone, kevin får vara deras dejt.
om jag ska vara ärlig så kändes det tungt. jag grät i min ensamhet när jag kommit hem från jobbet, för jag ville egentligen bara vara h e m m a, trygg och varm, men det var ju omöjligt. tur nog så har jag bella, hon får vara mitt hem under denna högtid. så jag torkade tårarna, och vi ringde till respektive hem via skype, hade julklappsöppning, såna paket som legat och väntat i mitt rum sedan mamma var här i oktober. mamma överraskade både mig och bella. det som överraskade mest var nog paketet från caroline. jag hade helt glömt bort kommentaren jag skrev på henne blogg för två månader sen, och blev så glatt överraskad av den fina drömfångaren! den ska få skydda mig nu.
jag vet inte varför jag vill göra det så svårt för mig att åka hem. varför ska jag vara så envis med att bo på andra sidan jorden. nästa jul firar jag gärna hemma iallafall. det finns som inget som kan jämföras med känslan.

gettingtoknowyou ; -

my most comfortable style.
beanie from random Korean department store.
totally cool t-shirt that Alex gave me.
plaid shirt from forever21. (If I could dress in plaid forever I would)
pants from H&M.
now this is far from a fashion blog but whateveeeeeer.
I'msending143 ; -

jag grinar nästan av glädje varje gång jag ser på denna bild. det är som inte alltid man springer in i Henry Lau lixom. och att han dessutom förmodligen är den trevligaste personen jag någonsin träffat, om än bara för en minut, gör allting bara bättre. jag tänkte först att han var klar med att ta bilder, att han ville gå fort, men när jag frågade och han sa; 'ja, självklart!' var som dagen gjord! lslxöaöckalciöslcle hur kan vi bli kompisar.... vill ba hänga.....
gomorronvärlden ; -

ny dag och bara 4 ynka dagar tills bella äntligen är här. nu måste jag duscha och sen fara iväg till edae woho.
jinglebellsjinglebells ; -

sometimes it strikes me that it's the small things that matters in life. that it's those evenings when you're walking home, clear sky, everything is quiet, you can hear yourself breathing, and you're just happy to be alive. it's looking a little closer at people, wondering about what they've been through, what makes them smile, and cry. it's reading a book and getting caught in the world, unable to let go. it's having a song in your head, that makes you skip of joy. it's meeting friends that you can share hours of just talking, without feeling a need to look at your phone. it's the feeling of pride when you finally feel ready to order coffe because you've started liking it.
now, everyone finds happiness in different, small, things, and these are just a few of mine.
when are you the happiest being alive?
do you ever stop and just think about it?
friday,I'minlove ; -
agnes, who I've worked with for most of this year in korea, is back in germany and doing her artsy stuff again. we've gotten to see her creations now and then, and FINALLY she's launched her own website to sell them. there are 3 different patterns, 2 different types of each. the patterns are originally made by her. I've never seen anything like it before. aren't they amazing?!

"demon TYPE_A"
jagmåstespringanu ; -

my friend fiona got me this diary for the year to come, and I can't stop flailing over how nice it is. call me biased, but I've always liked simple, a little old-fashioned designs, and this is just perfect. I really hope I can put it to good use!
loveisthemoment ; -
today has been great, to say the least. I'm exhausted from eating, and smiling, and laughing like an idiot. I was happy to spend this day with many people that mean a lot to me, and so touched for people's well wishes. I know sometimes 'congrats' is just something you write in the haste, because you merely happen to see that it's someone's birthday, but just those small thoughts still made me happy.
I think I'm going to let the pictures from the day speak for themselves to be honest.

I miss my family and friends from back home. good thing a huge part of home is finally coming to seoul in less than two weeks!!!! now I'm so tired I think I'm going to fall asleep without removing any makeup, and that's never a good idea.
ringalingalingringalingaling ; -
last night was basically a series of fortunate events.
I had had plans with one of my friends, nima, but somehow I had mixed up the date for a swedish dinner event, and it ended up being tuesday night instead of wednesday. we decided to reschedule our plans instead. my coworker told me I could leave earlier, since she had to cover my last 50 minutes of work. I went all the way to 신논현, to one of the fancy hotels, way underdressed for it it seemed. but it ended up being a really nice event, a lot of interesting people, amazing food, wine, coffee. angelina and I stayed there for over 2 hours before we decided to head back to itaewon by bus.

when we'd almost reached, my friend told us to come to a pub nearby, and there we went. it ended being one of the best nights of my life, because of.. well.. reasons. now I'm walking on clouds, and am hopeful the week before my birthday will be a good one!

casually taking selcas in the subway.