ringalingalingringalingaling ; -
last night was basically a series of fortunate events.
I had had plans with one of my friends, nima, but somehow I had mixed up the date for a swedish dinner event, and it ended up being tuesday night instead of wednesday. we decided to reschedule our plans instead. my coworker told me I could leave earlier, since she had to cover my last 50 minutes of work. I went all the way to 신논현, to one of the fancy hotels, way underdressed for it it seemed. but it ended up being a really nice event, a lot of interesting people, amazing food, wine, coffee. angelina and I stayed there for over 2 hours before we decided to head back to itaewon by bus.

when we'd almost reached, my friend told us to come to a pub nearby, and there we went. it ended being one of the best nights of my life, because of.. well.. reasons. now I'm walking on clouds, and am hopeful the week before my birthday will be a good one!

casually taking selcas in the subway.
Postat av: helen
and what wonderful reasons.. ;D