Iwannatakeyouaway ; -
so I just briefly want to talk about something that happened yesterday evening! I was having dinner at this super cool taco-place, grill5taco, dunno if you've heard about it. it's in a cool area, I've met some cool people here before, but last night was just amazing. axel, lulu, and I were just minding our own business,
when SHIM JAEWON walks in.
since the beginning of last year I've been super fascinated by this guy. he's a performance director for SM entertainment, amazing dancer, and also a main part of the performance crew beatburger, as DJ. I've seen them perform at our favorite club maybe 4-5 times, and I've got at least 6 or 7 of his mixsets on my computer. this guy has so much passion for music and what he does, and that is inspiring in so many ways.

(from instagram when I first saw them at club vera 2013)
anyway, back to last night. I freaked out of course, cause I've wanted to meet him for I don't know how long, and there he was, to have amazing taco for dinner. I freaked out internally of course, spazzing over kakaotalk (chatprogram) to julyssa, and in the end, she encouraged me to walk up to him just to say hello, because he's apparently the nicest man alive.
short story even shorter, I walk up (and at the same time forget how to speak korean, good job), tell him I'm from sweden (because he's been there, and he l o v e s i t,) that I'm a fan of beatburger and that it's nice to meet him. it wasn't more than a handshake, thank you and nice to meet you too, but I gathered the courage to go up to him, so I'm patting my own shoulder for that. he's way taller than I thought to be honest, and his smile is amazing, I'm still dazzled.
best encounter of 2014 so far.