thankyouforthemusic ; -

I had an unforgettable evening watching the musical Mamma Mia yesterday! our friend michael conducted the show and it was great finally seeing him in action. it's always a good joke to say as a swede I'm supposed to know ALL of the ABBA-songs by heart, but, there's some truth to it. even though I've never listened to ABBA like it's something holy, there's a feeling of home when the tunes of super trouper starts to play. our friend yusif was a great guide as well, and it felt nice getting to greet some of the musical performers and praise their work. 
according to the app on my phone I walked close to 19.000 steps yesterday, so I think the hamburger I had for late dinner wasn't such a big deal after all. fries with mayo is the best thing eveeeeer.
1, excited axel. 2-3, from the curtain call. 
4, our dear conductor mike!
5. with "sophie"! 6. super cool right.


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