mybabydon'tmessaround ; -
b o r a c a y .
so, I had a feeling that I would absolutely love it, but not at all like this. I had seen pictures of white beautiful beaches, and usually pictures lie in some way, but it was exactly like I had pictured it. we spent the whole days by the amazing warm water, having mango drinks and whatnot, feeling the warm breeze, laughing with people we'd just met.
hostel-life is something that'll always fascinate me. 80% of the time it's a good experience. when I went to japan and stayed at a hostel, there weren't really any people I connected with. at this hostel, the atmosphere was so welcoming, and if you got eyecontact you were basically already friends. at night we would all bring our own drinks to the rooftop, chat and sometimes there was karaoke, sometimes drinking games from australia and sometimes just discussions and listening to stories from around the world. it always amazes me how people can be so fearless and free spirited. even though I've moved to the other side of the world myself, I still live in an enviroment that is very safe and known to me. I leave boracay with a lot of memories stored, a lot of new friends I'll always remember, and a new amazing country discovered.

now back to real life. I have exactly one month left in korea, and it hasn't really hit me yet. maybe I'm really ready to go home for a while. I keep telling myself that I'm free and have nothing to do, which is probably not true, and there are at least a thousand things I should be doing; like shipping stuff home.
bah I'm pretty happy with watching the new game of thrones episode when axel gets back from his walk with the dog he's babysitting.