entjejattkämpaför ; -
vet inte om bilden talar för sig själv. middag, vin, film, samtal, musik med finaste jonas iallafall. man skulle kunna tro att jag skulle falla död ner efter helgen, men än så länge så håller ögonen sig öppna (allt bara lite suddigt.) det är dock fantastiskt hur man kan känna sig lite bakfull när fallet är att man har sovit föör få timmar (1,5h för att vara exakt), men jag överlevde. det gjorde vi alla. men vad händer nu? sängen? vet ikkeeee.
I don't know if the pictures speaks for itself. dinner, wine, movie, talk, music with dearest jonas. you would think that I would fall dead to the ground after this intense weekend of work, but somehow the eyes stays open (it's just all a little blurry). it's really interesting though, how you feel slightly hungover when you've had too few hours of sleep (1,5 hours to be exact), but I survived. we all did. but what happens now? bed? da naaaa.
I don't know if the pictures speaks for itself. dinner, wine, movie, talk, music with dearest jonas. you would think that I would fall dead to the ground after this intense weekend of work, but somehow the eyes stays open (it's just all a little blurry). it's really interesting though, how you feel slightly hungover when you've had too few hours of sleep (1,5 hours to be exact), but I survived. we all did. but what happens now? bed? da naaaa.