it'shardtobelieveyou'rerightheretonight ; -

source; BBC
my heart is aching. that's all I can think of to say. even though I have no relation to any of the people onboard, who are still missing, even dead, I turn on the TV and is met by the anguish the parents, friends, siblings are expressing. it's heartbreaking. I can't even imagine the feeling of losing someone close in this way, to not have a clue of where they might be, if they might be suffering.
a few years back we had this kind of incidence in my hometown. a boy went through the ice and it took months, even years to find him again. the whole town stood still, in one way or another you knew him, knew someone who was close to him, and it's something no one in our generation ever will forget I think.
I was shocked when MH730 went missing, but I somehow couldn't get my head around it. this time it's different, it's so close, it's affecting a country I've come to love for the passed few years, affecting it's children. so many students are missing, and when I think of the fact that these are all individual persons who have their own dreams and hope, my heart shatters a little bit more. I read about young students who gave their lives to save a friend, and I find it incredible that there were people like this in the world, sad that they are no more.
I've seen screencaps of messages parents and friends recieved from their loved ones on the boat, saying "I don't think I'll be able to tell you this later, so I'm going to say this now; I love you", and I think my heart is split in two. I immediately messaged my parents and my little brother, just saying I love them, scared that I don't tell them enough. you can obviously never know when your last chance will be.
all my thoughts, prayers and condolences goes out to the families of the missing and those who are confirmed to have passed away. that's all I can really do. maybe the lesson the world will learn, both from the MH730 mystery and the South Korean ferry tragedy, is that we /need/ to appreciate those moments we have together, let them not go to waste.
너만계속바로보고싶찮아난오정말 ; -
ah, the amazing weekend. where to start.
I've attended a korean wedding for the first time ever! my friends carlos and eunsil finally tied the knot! they invited me and angelina for a weekend in busan, where the bride is originally from. they also asked if we wanted to sing at the wedding, and how could we say no. we arrived friday night and got picked up by the bride and her father, and went over to their apartment. suuuuch a big and beautiful place. it was amazing getting introduced to new family members who somehow got so excited to finally put a face to my name (since I've lived with eunsil for a few months in seoul). we got super spoiled with a big bed as well as big korean breakfast following day. and then we were off to the wedding.
korean weddings are usually held in wedding halls, but since both families this time were chatolic, it was held in a cathedral. it was nice being in that sort of enviroment again.

before the wedding, eunsil was sitting in a room next to the big hall, in her dress, looking all pretty. we went and took pictures with her after we were done rehearsing our song.

now, in sweden and probably everwhere in the western world, we celebrate with a wedding cake, but here it seemed like meat said it all. after all pictures were taken, we headed over to a galbi restaurant around the corner where I ate more meat than I've ever eaten in my whole life I think.

ah carlos and eunsil, words can't really describe how incredibly happy I am for you. you've taken such good care of me for the past few months, even taken care of both my mom and my dad when they visited korea, and for that I'm forever grateful. I can only hope and wish that all of your dreams comes true, far away in australia, that you live happily ever after together. you deserve a good life, and each other. 늘 고맙고 사랑한다 ~
later at night, we said our (and in my case, tearful) goodbyes to the newlyweds, and met up with my friend lulu for an interesting night out. the hours before going back to seoul on sunday evening, we went to the beach to breathe in the fresch air, and hung out at coffeeshops just to take it easy.

this weekend has been in every way just simply amazing. it was a perfect getaway from some of the stress that has been building up the past couple of weeks. even though I don't think I would like to live in busan, it's a perfect place to go to when you need to clear you head a bit. if you go with great company, then of course it's even better!
now wasn't this a long blogpost.
I'llbethereforyou ; -
this week was an end of an era. the 'how I met your mother'-era. I can say that I've never ever lost interest in this series. for 9 seasons they've amused me, and made me both laugh and cry. but, everything has to come to an end. I did not really like the ending at all to be honest (not gonna spoil for people who wants to see for themselves), but I guess everyone feels different about it. I found this picture online, and it's a good list of what this series might've have taught us.