hädanefterskajagvabra ;
amazing weekend, amazing people, amazing music. I guess I can summarize this weekend as; amazing.
thursday was spent in caroline's cabin, by a small lake. we just ate good food, snacks, listened to music, enjoyed the clear chilly weather, and played a fun game of cards.
I spent friday at linn's apartment with her, sofia, dabbe and sara, having a few drinks before going to the festival area to ride some rollercoasters. I l o v e rollercoasters~~.
on saturday, my cousin Elin had her "confirmation", which meant going to church for mass, and then to meet the family on my mother's side. it was great seeing them again, and weird at the same time. I still feel like they're small kids, when they're obviously not.
and then the evening came. I met up with Anna at her apartment, she had a fancy hairdo made by her friend, before having a nice dinner and wine on her balcony. amaziiiiiing. then we went to the city centre to see magic happen on stage, thanks to Veronica Maggio. the evening was a bit chilly, but I met a lot of people, danced a lot, enjoyed the bright summer night.
yesterday, my friends and I made TACO GRATIN at sofia's house, and iT WAS AS DELICIOUS AS I REMEMBER IT. she's got an amazin backyard, just by the river, so we could sit there until the late hours, and talk and talk and talk.

today I went with my mom to a flee market, found a vest for like $5, and later in the evening we went to an open exercise group outside. it was nice moving around and now I really feel it in my body.
tomorrow I'm going to my dad's cabin, but if I'm lucky I'll have time to meet up with a dear friend on the way. cossing my fingers everything will work out. but NOW, I'm hungry, so I'm going to get a late night snack. laterssss.
dukanvälpantamera ; -
h e m m a.
h o m e.
우 리 집.

I am not using the camera of my phone as well as I should, but I will blame that on the jetlag. this midsummer we spent in the windy cold outside, but it was a great reunion, a lot of laughter, stories, music, not as much singing as we'd maybe have liked, but that can be saved until next time. last night, caroline, victor and I drove out to sofia's cabin, a good, adventurous 3 hour drive back and forth. two deers spotted on the road, I have you know. this sense of serenity is something I've missed, when you're so far out from civilization, all you hear is the sounds of the forest and the air is so clean.
I've been home hor 5 days now, and even though I'm happy to be here, meeting old friends and catching up, I can't help but feeling seoul is still the city for me. so, hopefully we can have an amazing summer, with a bit warmer weather, and then I can prepare for going out there again, to chase after my dreams. ah.
blogging feels soso, hence it so rarely happens. I'm hoping for a bit more inspiration.
vadspelardetförjävlaroll ; -
6 more days until I'm on swedish ground again. I've tried to match lunch and dinner schedules the coming days, and even though it's a bit stressful, I'm looking forward to being up and running around this city that I love. if I haven't made plans with YOU yet, you should tell me, and maybe we'll find time for a coffee sometime, hehe.
I never act like it's the last time I'm going to leave here, cause if I know myself correctly, then I'll be back for a trip in a couple of months or so. I think I'll always come back as long as this feeling of being so at home doesn't disappear. I just really long for europe and the swedish summer and family and friends at the moment, so there's honestly not a lot of anxiety lingering in the air. maybe it'll hit me the last minute at the airport next wednesday..
every summer there are two big events happening in my hometown; one is 'trästockfestivalen' ('the woodstock festival' directly translated) which is a free event, and the other is 'stadsfesten' ('the city party') and then there's entry fees. I was thinking if I should go or not. but, veronica maggio is playing on saturday so I basically HAVE TO GO. her music makes me so happy, and whenever I feel a bit homesick, I just play her album and dream away. everything about it reminds me of summer.
åååhhh längtar så jag sprickeeeeer.

when we met HER (middle) in 2009 at trästockfestivalen. oh we were so young,