ain'tnothinggonnabreakmystride ; -
why I hang on tumblr.
allthesingleladiesallthesingleladies ; -
there used to be a time when I thought really much of what people thought of me. I was seeking that acknowledgement in everything, and the feeling that I knew what I did was good. it started with how many had subscribed to updates on this blog, and then how many followers I had on tumblr took over. if I had lost a subscriber, or follower, I instantly felt bad about myself, since that person suddenly found me to be a boring person, or whatever reason he/she had. I had obviously not done a good job at pleasuring this person's need for entertainment.
but I've changed my mind. I just did. it hit me like I-don't-know-what. I am moving. I am following my dream. I can start over, and this time for real, and somehow be the person I truly want to be. somehow that makes me think that subscribers and how many followers I have doesn't really matter to me anymore. through tumblr I painted up an imaginary life, one that I wanted to live.
and now I'm going to live it. far away. in seoul. of course you are more than welcome to come and visit me, I'll gladly take you to namsan tower, so that we can look at the city lights in all of its glory, or maybe the shopping centres of dongdaemun. and then, lastly, we will walk the streets of hongdae, in the middle of the night, and listen to happy street musicians, sing, dance together, maybe even find ourselves some jazz. this is the seoul I know from last time, and I hope it's going to be the seoul of my future.
but I've changed my mind. I just did. it hit me like I-don't-know-what. I am moving. I am following my dream. I can start over, and this time for real, and somehow be the person I truly want to be. somehow that makes me think that subscribers and how many followers I have doesn't really matter to me anymore. through tumblr I painted up an imaginary life, one that I wanted to live.
and now I'm going to live it. far away. in seoul. of course you are more than welcome to come and visit me, I'll gladly take you to namsan tower, so that we can look at the city lights in all of its glory, or maybe the shopping centres of dongdaemun. and then, lastly, we will walk the streets of hongdae, in the middle of the night, and listen to happy street musicians, sing, dance together, maybe even find ourselves some jazz. this is the seoul I know from last time, and I hope it's going to be the seoul of my future.
냉면, naegmyeon, cold noodles. what you see in the water is actually ice, and before eating, you cut the noodles with scissors, because, y'know, it's easier. with it you eat pieces of meat, as you can see. it's a really smart meal for a hot summer's day.
떡볶이, ddeokbokki, and other kinds of korean street food. it's spicy rice cake, and costs around 9SEK to get on a plate. as you can see, it's a very social way of eating.
I have no idea why it became about food just now. maybe it was just something I wanted to share with you. of importance or not, you decide. tonight has not really been of importance at all, and right now I'm wondering if I should just go to sleep or let my creativity flow. after this weekend I know one thing for sure though; biased or not, there's no way you can deny that cho kyuhyun really can sing (,nor that he looks freakishly good in eyeliner.)
theytriedtomakemegotorehab ; -
"Yonsei University (연세대학교; 延世大學校) (Korean pronunciation:[jənseː]) is a Christian private research university, located in Seoul, South Korea. Established in 1885, it is one of the oldest universities in South Korea, the top private comprehensive university in South Korea, and is widely regarded as one of the top three comprehensive universities in the country."
source; wikipedia.
there'snooneintownIknow ; -

the most relaxed weekend I've ever had, I think.
with a good friend, good music, tea 24/7, a beautiful city.
blurry pictures to describe it.
IrememberIrememberIremember ; -
jag ska vara tacksam över det jag har. jag ska inte klaga. men vem utbrister inte klagomål när man ska göra plankan inte bara en minut, utan 50 + 45 sekunder till. nu känns det, allt, springrundan, armhävningarna, 5 set, situps, den förbannade plankan. but I've never felt more alive.
ett antal bilder har jag från sthlm+göteborg. mest göteborg. det var nog den mest avslappnade dagen jag varit med om. eleonors lägenhet är så stor och rymlig, det behövs nästan inga fler möbler, eventuellt något till bord, men annars nej. dricka te, morgon, dag och kväll. lyssna på miles david, morgon, dag och kväll. sitta på kafé, morgon, dag och kväll. göteborg kanske jag skulle kunna tänka mig bo i, men inte riktigt än, först har jag seoul i sikte. sitter fortfarande och väntar hoppfullt på bekräftelsemailet, "ja, du kommer få börja gå på Yonsei, med start den 9 januari 2012."
men vi tar en sak i taget. jag och bella firar 5 år tillsammans som soulmates, det blir middag på fredag alltså, eventuellt jobba på matfesten lördag, jobba söndag. men ikväll blir det året första (och förmodligen enda) kräftskiva hemma hos anna!
ett antal bilder har jag från sthlm+göteborg. mest göteborg. det var nog den mest avslappnade dagen jag varit med om. eleonors lägenhet är så stor och rymlig, det behövs nästan inga fler möbler, eventuellt något till bord, men annars nej. dricka te, morgon, dag och kväll. lyssna på miles david, morgon, dag och kväll. sitta på kafé, morgon, dag och kväll. göteborg kanske jag skulle kunna tänka mig bo i, men inte riktigt än, först har jag seoul i sikte. sitter fortfarande och väntar hoppfullt på bekräftelsemailet, "ja, du kommer få börja gå på Yonsei, med start den 9 januari 2012."
men vi tar en sak i taget. jag och bella firar 5 år tillsammans som soulmates, det blir middag på fredag alltså, eventuellt jobba på matfesten lördag, jobba söndag. men ikväll blir det året första (och förmodligen enda) kräftskiva hemma hos anna!
tröjan (och byxorna som ni inte ser) är från carlings i stockholm, och de valde ringo ut. fantastisk man. kan berätta om honom för de som vill höra.
sotired,tiredofwaiting,tiredofwaitingforyou ; -
I'm leaving town for a bit. this feels good. to travel again feels nice, even though it isn't very far at all this time. but maybe to see stockholm through the eyes of a foreigner this time, meet good friends, enjoy an amusemet park, and book a last minute trip to gothenburg even. things are never too bad, and everything can be solved. though I should be questioning myself why I am still up when the plane leaves in 6 hours. how about some sleep?

10 points to Gryffindor if you can say why I am posing with this green ball.
ijeguhkjuhnghajima/이제 걱정 하지마 ; -

there'safirestartinginmyheart ; -
det sägs att utgång i skellefteå är inte det bästa jag vet. och att jag verkligen inte kan bestämma mig för vilket språk jag ska skriva på. flänger lite fram och tillbaka beroende på hur det känns. idag är det svenskt. och jag känner att how I met your mother-säsongen som snart finns på min dator sitter så fint idag. det var egentligen så länge sen jag tog det lugnt, allt ska vara så planerat nuförtiden. allt jag egentligen vill göra är att mysa ner mig framför datorn och se vad tusan barney och alla de där håller på med i säsong 6. men inte än. först måste jag till stan, lämna igen ett plagg, gå på syrrestemet (vars är R:et, VARS?) igen, och jag vette tusan. hem och städa lite inför eventuellt besök av daisuke imorgon/någon annan dag.
ikväll vankas klassåterträffen iallafall, jag ser fram emot det, hur många som än kommer. kanske kan vi sjunga något, kanske prata om gamla minnen, vi ser. jag vill bara vara, och sen om folk drar ut så väljer jag nog hemmet. utgång är som sagt inte av mitt största intresse från och med nu.
ikväll vankas klassåterträffen iallafall, jag ser fram emot det, hur många som än kommer. kanske kan vi sjunga något, kanske prata om gamla minnen, vi ser. jag vill bara vara, och sen om folk drar ut så väljer jag nog hemmet. utgång är som sagt inte av mitt största intresse från och med nu.
världens bästa tröja förresten. jag köpte omedvetet en likadan som emma, dock i en annan färg. jag måste ha blivit lite smygavis där när hon kom och visade upp den på subban i förrgår. bra köp iallafall. vill ha på mig den varje dag resten av livet.
vi säger så hej.
don'tcallmynamedon'tcallmyname ; -
my iPhone is cool now~
noonaneomuyeppeo ; -
I feel it. it's closer than I'd have ever thought. I just sent in the last email and payment before they apply to the school for me, and I will know within two weeks how things have worked out.
I spent the evening working, smelled like a sandwish when I went home of course. then I remembered that I had my amazing onepiece lying in a box somewhere, so that became my outfit. somehow I took a trip over to sofia's place to make a copy of my passport for my application. so kind of her father to help me with that. but sofia and I somehow got stuck talking, because suddenly we have so much to talk about. the life we're leaving, the life we're going to live, the plans we're making, how nothing will probably never be the same again, but we can be cool with that. it's amazing how we've grown from our trip, both in our different ways. I will always be grateful that I went on that precise trip with her.
let's not get sentimental, a good weekend is ahead. I have work for two more days, then there is a birthdayparty, a sort-of-reunionparty, and lasty a reunion that is the coolest so far this year. daisuke is coming to sweden!
I spent the evening working, smelled like a sandwish when I went home of course. then I remembered that I had my amazing onepiece lying in a box somewhere, so that became my outfit. somehow I took a trip over to sofia's place to make a copy of my passport for my application. so kind of her father to help me with that. but sofia and I somehow got stuck talking, because suddenly we have so much to talk about. the life we're leaving, the life we're going to live, the plans we're making, how nothing will probably never be the same again, but we can be cool with that. it's amazing how we've grown from our trip, both in our different ways. I will always be grateful that I went on that precise trip with her.
let's not get sentimental, a good weekend is ahead. I have work for two more days, then there is a birthdayparty, a sort-of-reunionparty, and lasty a reunion that is the coolest so far this year. daisuke is coming to sweden!
I know I think I'm ready I think I know I'm ready I know I think I'm ready I think I know I'm ready.
awarisdeclared ; -
what the fuck is going on...
superjuniorintown ; -
let's cover the world in sapphire blue.
ohohohohoppareulsaranghae ; -
I am swimming in memories.
from china foremost.
a hand that held mine.
beautiful eyes that had me drowning.
promises about protecting jewelleries.
kisses beside an artificial lake.
choices I'll never ever regret making.
from china foremost.
a hand that held mine.
beautiful eyes that had me drowning.
promises about protecting jewelleries.
kisses beside an artificial lake.
choices I'll never ever regret making.
sadlyitwasdestinedtobreakdown ; -
firar mina favoriters comeback med att ligga hemma i soffan, snuvig, hesare än hesast, trött efter en natt utan sömn (I regret nothing). detta är en dag som går åt till självömkan. allt är ju som bara jobbigt. håret är inte klippt. kläderna är ett problem. hade jag inte hade haft någonstans att gå varannan dag för att göra lite nytta så hade jag blivit galen. håret hoppas jag kan åtgärdas nästa vecka. kroppen ska åtgärdas i norge (bo på gym med bror, hejja!). jag ska snart ta tag i min nästa plan. så jag tar mig till det där landet jag vill till. (I just relized I wrote in swedish. oh well, you know how to translate, right?)

favorit tröjan förresten. can you guess why?

gifs not mine.
youwannaknowthatitdoesn'thurtme ; -
this might look just like an ordinary awesome picture where I stand, mesmerized by fantastic CD's, but I just realized that it's so much more than that to this picture. now I understand that we missed it when we were there, but I saw something, here and now, that was so obvious, and it makes me a little proud over my own countrymen. will you please look down in the right corner of the picture.
yes, a KENT-advertisement, in all of its glory.
mr.simple ; -
donghaeappreciationblog'11 ; -