Ifeeltheearthmoveundermyfeet ; -
ah, sweet sunday, at our favorite coffee shop in Hongdae.
what'sitlikeinnewyorkcity ; -
yesterday, a group of friends and myself went around in apgujong looking for somewhere to sit down. the place we had in mind originally was too crowded for our liking, so we went around the corner instead. there we found this place called "Organic Lounge". amazing atmosphere, cheap prizes, wifi, all you could ask for. so we stayed for a couple of hours, talked, studied, worked, felt over-all cozy, I love finding places like this. they had different kinds of organic teas that came in pots like the one above, I think I payed 4300 won for it, which is roughly 26 swedish kronor, not bad at all for a few cups of tea!
that'swhenIhadmyfirstheartbreak ; -
engelska eller svenska. english or swedish. that's what I question myself e v e r y t i m e I start writing a new post. who reads? my mom I know for sure, maybe some friends who are a liiiiittle tiny bit curious of what's going on, even though it doesn't seem like a lot, maybe someone I don't know at all.
anyway, new year, new resolutions, or? promises are a little too hard to make, but you can always do your best right? my promise this year will be to spend the summer in sweden, with friends, summernight that never turns dark, the sea just at our feet, barbeques on a backyard, festivals, carousels, all that I've missed the passed two years.
hör ni det, jag kommer hem i sommar!
I decided a few weeks before the end of the year that I would make a big change at the beginning of 2014, and this is what happened; an actual haircut for the first time in so many years. a bit lame as big change? meh.
there's so much inspiration coming from everywhere, people who walk by, blogs I read, images I see. I want to expand my wardrobe, buy cool necklaces, take more pictures, but I'm not sure at all where to start. with this computer maybe? it's easy to drag along, and that might actually let me get shit done. don't wanna end up like a basket case nunu.
bella left today, and she has a long trip back so sweden, but I'm glad she has the ability to actually sleep on planes, something that I really can't. it's been so many days; christmas, new years has passed, and we did bascially everything we wanted to do together while she was here. I'm so thankful for everything!
at the moment I'm sitting at coffeesmith on 가로수길[garosukil], where all the cool people hangs, no joke. I'm waiting for angelina and some other swedish friends to be finished with a meeting, so we can go and do something cool afterwards. I've already rewatched the new sherlock-episode, and gotten some pages into the girl who played with fire. so what to do now after this is finished.
we'll see.
andahappynewyear ; -
the passed weeks in 9 frames. 9 frames that tells an awful lot about what's happened, how I've felt, how the end of this year has been, mostly in good ways.
the first verical row are people. the meeting with henry lau of course. even though there are two pictures with the same person, the represent different events; christmas and our first super junior concert together.
the second verical row are actual things that has had a lot of meaning; the dreamcather that caroline gave me, the computer my father was so kind to invest in for me, and the song that donghae and eunhyuk released to fill our cold hearts with warmth.
the third and last verical row are moments where I felt really happy; christmas with my family, even though they're far away, epik high performing and moments I had on my own. I've always felt a kind of need to isolate myself from the outside world, for a moment not care what's going on around me.
only one full day remains of 2013. this year has passed by very fast and very slowly at the same time. I've done a lot of things on my bucket list, or just random things I promised myself I would do; I went back to korea as soon as I could, I saw north korea with my dad, I introduced my mom to a super junior member, I had wine at kona beans, and a lot of other things.
how 2014 is going to look is still completely unknown, and I'm a little scared to be honest. it's probably the year I'm going to start studying for real again, it's the year I WILL spend the summer in sweden, it's hopefully going to be another year when great memories will be made. but we can just wait and see.
feeltherainonyourskin ; -
oh in what a great way this day was ended. after a slow morning/afternoon, not too hectic day at work, followed by a great dinner of 삼계탕 (chicken soup), I was on my way home when I saw some sort of gathering at the Bakers Table. I was welcome to join my old co-workers, and it was app. 40 minutes of wine, laughter, stories and jokes. it's such a nice place, and I miss working in that enviroment a lot, so it seems like I'll get to jump into that world for a few hours again on sunday.
I have a feeling this weekend will be a great one!
summertimeandthelivingiseasy ; -
spent the night together with Alex in hongdae. we stilled our pizza-craving, followed by an unplanned trip to H&M where I accepted to be Alex's doll and try whatever she wanted me to try, which ended up with me buying clothes that I would never have looked at otherwise. hey you only live once.
now we're sitting all cozy at coffee bean with a christmas cup each in out hands while scanning the interwebs. funny stuff everywheeeeeere.
I might not like the cold that winter brings, but there's no way you can not love sitting in a coffee shop like this with a hot drink in your hands.
now over and out.
Iwon'tletyouchoke ; -
saturday. somehow feels like sunday.
I've always felt this need of D O I N G things every day, and if I don't drag my ass out, to meet friends or whatever, I somehow fail myself. however, as I laid in my bed today, all I could think was 'no, I am gonna stay here, and I'm going to close my eyes as long as I want to, I'm not going to stress out over the usual,' and it somehow worked. a day with no plans, and it feels pretty good, to be honest.
so here I am, with my laptop, in a small and cozy café (with aircon), and spending time surfing the net, reading interesting things, listening to mumford&sons, watching a couple playing with their small puppy. everything about it is relaxing.
I can't even remember how to write a proper blog post. there's so much happening inbetween them, I forget everything I was supposed to mention. but other than the fact that I am basically living in hell (humid nights, no aircon or fan), things are pretty decent at the moment. I've gotten some ideas of what I would want to do in the future, which is a huge step, and it feels reasonable. I live in the city of my dreams, I have an amazing job, an income, great colleagues, a place to stay, loving friends and parents, I am healthy, what more can I ask for? when I get angry or upset over small things, that is what I have to stop and think of. things could obviously be worse.
within one week, two close friends from Australia will have moved here. in 5 days I get my salary, thank god. in less than a month, I will finally see the American Idiot Musical (need to buy ticket when salary comes, remind me). in 73 days, mom (and sofia, for one day) will be here. in 92 days, dad will hopefully visit. bella is planning on spending christmas and new years with me.
I love looking forward to things like these.
내가사랑한S.P.Y ; -
wow, it's been a long time. really. I barely even understood how to make a new entry with how everything changed on this site. the reason I'm writing in english is that I'm currently visiting my friends school, and using her computer while she's teaching 6th graders english. I've been introduced to every class so far, and eyes go wide, because my friend is vietnamese/american, so she has the asian look, and my appearance is a lot more foreign to them.
I wish I was blogging, I wish I had more inspiration for it, to take pitcures for real, but all pictures I take with my camera ends up in a way that doesn't make me satisfied, and the pictures I take with instagram ends up on facebook so those have people already seen. though I'd be surprised if people are still visiting this blog, with it's blog drought. it's sad...
ah well, someday, maybe, this place will be alive again.
noIdon'tknowwhereIamgoing ; -
this blog lacks of eunhae.
there we go.
whosaysIcan'tgetstoned ; -
korean/swedish study session.
chris and I sat at the café on the picture below for about 3.5 hours. swedish and korean going back and forth and then english as the way of explaining the expressions. midterm exams are in less than a week and I feel more than insecure about it. how about I do something about it, huh. and those DVD-rooms, it's a good idea, to have somewhere to go just to watch a movie when it's cold outside, but when you find a roll of toiletpaper standing on the counter, it's a little bit disgusting. oh well.
I am completely hooked on temple run btw, passed 1.000.000, and I just can't stop playing. I need a higher multiplier... download it from the app store, completely free.
I'm going to sleep, soon.
(britta, jag vet inte hur din engelska är,
men använd den
här sidan om du vill översätta någorlunda.)
aldrigaldrigkommerallttillbaks ; -
these are my books. I can promise you that they are as heavy as they look. filled with knowledge, 4 CD's at least, maybe more, if I haven't found them all, and room for me to write and practise my sucky korean handwriting. I have not ever bragged with my korean (I think anyway), and beginner's class suits me perfectly fine. give me one year, 760 to 800 classhours and korean friends and you will hear a whole new language coming out of my mouth. but we're not quite there yet.
but what have I been up to the passed week? I said that I would be sceptic about my pictures, and I am, but they're telling a story either way, right?
the room in which I now live. the bed is comfortable, the desk is big, and I have a small refrigerator!
my shelf of love. there are more stuff there now, like a small wooden icon, and cupholder from händel & gretel.
the somewhat lovely view from my window.
taking the suway and capturing people in their most gorgeous state.
my somewhat partner in crime, caroline.
near gangbyeon station in seoul.
korean side dishes.
and more food.
I went with chris to see the korean version of the musical fame. it was truly amazing and impressive. even though I didn't understand almost anything they were saying, I was still blown away by all the performers, the singers and dancers and musicians. it was an awesome experience.
let's take a break here, I've got some more pictures to edit, and some sleep to attend to when the time comes. tomorrow is the second day of school. the first was under control, fine. it's good to finally learn how it's really supposed to be said properly, and written.
did I mention that I managed to do laundry tonight too? no, but I did. too eager for my own good the first attempy, forgot the washing powder so I had to do it twice. well, it's just 1000 won (ca 12 kr), and of what I can tell nothing has shrunk or gotten destroyed. success.
deéköfrångatanupptillhallen ; -
this kind of night I question why I even own a camera, why I don't listen too much on veronica maggio, and why I ever (,if I have,) doubted simon as a reliable friend. there he is, in the parking lot, with a silly (sorry, cool) birthday card, only 5 days late, but it's the thought that counts, right?
you win all the awards tonight.
oppaoppaI'llbedowndowndown ; -
january, here I come.
fouro'clockinthemorning ; -
chris gets all the awards tonight, because we're hopefully going to watch fame, the musical, in korean, this january. I get to see
hyukjae, and he wants to see
tiffany, so why not kill two birds with one stone? asdjfrnvalonrcawt I can't wait!
update, kay it seems like they released the tickets this night, and they got sold out really fast, itsn't that typical?
update2, but it ain't over until the fat lady sings.
Iclosemyeyesandfeelreliefinmymind ; -
last night was fantastic in so many ways!
ensekundärjagjevigochsenvetjagingetmer ; -
I am really going to miss you.
doctordoctorfeelgood ; -
there is a suju bucket list. I've crossed off two so far.
putanotherxonthecalendar ; -
mom bought me a christmas calendar. she knows me too well.
jesuparvule,onthoucouchofhay ; -
serious times.
instagram might be one of the best things that ever happened to iphone.
girlsbringtheboysout ; -
it's fascinating how a place can mean so much for the heart. how we find comfort in what's safe in our lives. grandma's place was always that, but I feel bad for not realizing until now, when it's really too late. the apartment is being emptied, "is there something that you want to hold on to?", and I can't help but to feel anxious. grandma wasn't just a person; she was a feeling, a home, and safe place, for more people over the years than anyone could guess and imagine. it makes me scared of the world that I and we won't have that in the future. but life goes on, doesn't it? memories are good, healthy, but not to live in. I'm just going to think of grandma and her apartment when I have too, feel lost, and then I'm happy again.